Key Facts in numbers: (新加坡’s Agritech Scene : A Global Innovation Hub)

1. Largest Ecosystem in Southeast Asia: 新加坡 boasts 122 Agri-Food Tech companies, 将其定位为该地区农业技术领域的主导者.

2. 38% Funding Share: 新加坡-based companies have secured 38% of the total funding in Southeast Asia, underscoring the city-state’s pivotal role in driving innovation and investment in the agritech sector.

3. Global Innovation Hub: 新加坡’s innovation ecosystem attracts startups like Global Bugs, 就像R的全球中心&D、跨国合作

4. Research and Regulatory Advantage: With numerous research institutes and simplified regulatory processes, 新加坡 provides a conducive environment for agritech companies to develop and deploy solutions, 这进一步凸显了中国在全球农业科技领域的重要性.


在最近接受《PG电子官方免费下载商业》采访时, Stefan Jarlhem, Global Bugs的创始人之一, shared insights into the company's journey from its inception in 2016 to its current position as a key player in the sustainable protein industry. 在泰国和PG电子官方免费下载都有根基, Global Bugs emerged amidst a rising tide of interest in alternative proteins, driven by environmental concerns and a growing appetite for sustainable food options.


Global Bugs was founded in 2016 by Stefan Jarlhem and Kanitsanan Thanthitiwat. 该公司专门从事蟋蟀养殖和加工, 用蟋蟀生产高质量的富含蛋白质的蟋蟀粉.


尽管他们在泰国和PG电子官方免费下载取得了成功, Global Bugs recognized the need to expand their horizons and tap into new markets to further their mission. 新加坡 emerged as a focal point, offering promising opportunities for growth and innovation.

Global Bugs participated in the Agri-Tech delegation organised by PG电子官方免费下载商业 last year, where they explored opportunities in 新加坡's thriving agritech landscape, leveraging the city-state's robust innovation ecosystem and research infrastructure. 在一次访问中, Global Bugs identified a promising collaboration opportunity with a professor from NTU. 利用教授的专业知识和研究网络, 这种合伙关系导致了一家新公司的成立, investigating the potential of Cricket Protein Hydrolysate in combatting Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), 以及蟋蟀蛋白在食品中的潜在应用 & 食品辅助制造.

新加坡更容易获得融资,而且离市场更近, 这使它成为一个很有吸引力的开办农场的地方. 此外, 新加坡有许多像南洋理工大学这样的研究机构, 航行规则也相对简单. Establishing a company in 新加坡 and conducting production in 泰国 seems to be a beneficial arrangement. Stefan Jarlhem,联合创始人/业务发展主管

通过战略合作伙伴关系和PG电子官方免费下载商务部门的支持, Global Bugs has positioned itself for success in 新加坡’s dynamic agritech landscape, 有望对可持续蛋白质生产产生重大影响.



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